Five minutes with Kate Seselja

“We unconsciously allow shame and stigma to thrive.” – Kate Seselja

Local Canberran Kate Seselja currently works as an advocate to the United Nations Association of Australia, has founded her own not for profit, and is a sought-after professional speaker and mentor. With a resume dotted in impressive achievements, it’s easy to forget that Kate hasn’t always been the successful and brave role model she is today.

Accumulating more than $500,000 in debt from pokies, the mother of 6 struggled with a gambling addiction for more than a decade before she hit rock bottom. Turning her life around with self-determination, counseling and rebuilding her family relationships, Kate is now an advocate for helping gamblers battling addiction – and aiding in prevention so it never gets that far.

Here’s a sneak peek of what you can expect to hear from Kate at TEDxCanberra Momentum on Saturday 16th of September.

Q: Tell us a bit about your work and why you love it.
I love everything about what I do and the change it is making. I love that the constructive use of my own story has helped people to connect effectively with their own journey and restore hope.

I’m involved in various consulting roles in advocacy for gambling reform as well as practical workshops across all sectors –  pain is universal.

Q: What’s something you are working on right now that you can share with us?
I currently have a new website in development which I’m really excited about.

Q: What does MOMENTUM, our TEDxCanberra2017 theme, mean to you?
It’s about moving forward and progressing together as a collective.

Q: What can our TEDxCanberra audience expect to hear from you? (without giving away too much!)
A fresh perspective on a topic that impacts us all – yet most will never discuss.

Q: What are you most looking forward to sharing at the event?
My passion and insight and how it makes people think

Q: What do you like most about Canberra?
I love that it is so easy to get around, and it’s pretty and easy to find uncrowded spaces

Q: Fun Fact. What’s one thing you can share that people don’t know about you?
Last year was the first time I had ever flown out Australia and it was to go to the International Gambling Conference in Auckland where I shared my story

Read original article at TEDx Canberra.