Growth Not Shame

The aim of this campaign is to help people connect with the fact that we all struggle, we are ALL human, therefore fallible. What is important is the learning that comes out of the adversity we experience that is valuable for growth and for helping others. When we can look at our experiences and see the learning instead of being stuck in pain, we grow and move forward in a productive way that stops judging and labelling, ends stigma and builds resilience.

In your 1 minute video Tell us:

  1. Who are you and what is your growth Journey?
  2. What has been the hardest part?
  3. What was the learning from this?
  4. What does growth not shame mean to you?

Submit your video

Share your story with the Hope Project and help us spread the word #Growthnotshame

Growth Not Shame video submissions

  • Accepted file types: mp4.
    Upload your .mp4 video file. The maximum file upload is 32MB.
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