Welshpool Business Station, WA  /  Speaker

Vulnerable Conversations

Event Date: Aug 30 2017, 10:00am
Event Location: Welshpool Business Station, WA
Kate's Role: Speaker

Vulnerable Conversations with Kate Seselja is an opportunity to have the difficult conversations around addiction and addictive behaviour, that will help build meaningful, supportive relationships with those you love.Vulnerable Conversations with Kate Seselja is an opportunity to have the difficult conversations around addiction and addictive behaviour, that will help build meaningful, supportive relationships with those you love.

Kate Seselja is a mother of six (6) children, living in Canberra, with a mission to engage in vulnerable conversations that will change the world. After years of struggling with a serious gambling issue, to the point of considering suicide, Kate Seselja has set about to help others who may have lost hope. Kate’s extraordinary story is all the more compelling because of her commitment to authenticity, vulnerability and honesty.

Kate’s journey has seen her recognised as a Telstra Business of the Year finalist, taken her to the United Nations as a Goodwill Ambassador for the World Kindness Australia Movement; and become certified by the United Nations as a Sustainable Development Advocate.

Yet, in her own words, Kate is very humble about her achievements:

“I have peace in my mind, I’m comfortable in my skin, I’m connected to my purpose, and I’m just trying to be a good human being.” — Kate to Canberra Times, October 15, 2016