/  Workshop facilitator

Building Resilient Communities: Resilience Documentary Screening & Half-Day Seminar

Event Date: Aug 16 2019, 9:00am - 12:00pm
Event Location:
Kate's Role: Workshop facilitator

Building Resilient Communities: Resilience Documentary Screening & Half-Day Seminar

This incredible documentary directed by James Redford (son of Robert Redford) delves into the science of ACEs (Adverse Childhood Experiences study) and a movement in the USA to treat and prevent Toxic Stress. Understanding this vital information informs outcomes from a public health perspective and impacts on many things from heart disease cancer to substance abuse, depression and behaviour.

The Hope Project has a mission to use the lived experience to create positive change. Lifting the consciousness of communities and tackling complex issues with new understanding and compassion is vital to change outcomes.

“we cannot tackle problems with the same level of consciousness that created them” –  Albert Einstein

Tickets can be purchased through Eventbrite

The seminar aims to have the following outcomes:

Understanding what Resilience is and its importance in the Community

  • What is Proactive Resilience
  • Growth Not Shame

Identifying and Developing Strategies for thinking Resiliently

  • Understanding Thinking Traps
  • Reframing Failure and Adversity
  • Asking Better Questions

Identifying systems that hinder Resilience and techniques for Growth

  • A Common Language – AWAKE
  • Making stress work for you

Improving skills and lifting EQ

  • Understanding Emotional Intelligence
  • Building Sustainable Wellbeing
  • Importance of Mindfulness

Morning Tea will be provided – and there is free parking on-site! 

It is ACTCOSS policy to reduce or waive fees for consumer representatives or people experiencing disadvantage; please ask your workshop contact person for assistance.

Terms and Conditions: Bookings are essential. Please register early as places are limited. If you are unable to attend, please let us know so we can offer your place to others on our waiting list.

Cancellations made less than 48 hours prior to the workshop will incur a full charge.

Interested in hosting a screening?

If you can’t make the workshop you can still get involved by hosting a screening at your organisation. Register your interest.